Acoustic absorption system for an aircraft airframe
Acoustic absorption system for an aircraft interior trim...
Acoustic treated thrust reverser bullnose fairing assembly
Acoustically shielded exhaust system for high thrust jet engines
Acrobatic rotary kite
Active blowing system for rotorcraft vortex interaction noise re
Active cable-cutting assembly for aircraft
Active control device for aircraft tail buffet alleviation
Active control mechanism for a helicopter
Active control of a body by altering surface drag
Active control of a drogue body
Active control of aircraft engine noise using vibrational inputs
Active control of boundary layer transition and turbulence
Active control of surface drag
Active control of tone noise in engine ducts
Active control surface modal system for aircraft buffet and...
Active damping of satellite nutation
Active damping of spacecraft structural appendage vibrations
Active defense system against tactical ballistic missiles
Active drag and thrust modulation system and method