Method for producing extreme microgravity in extended volumes
Method for producing extreme microgravity in extended volumes
Method for re-orbiting a dual-mode propulsion geostationary spac
Method for replacing failing satellites in a satellite communica
Method for satellite injection using a solid fuel rocket motor
Method for satellite station keeping
Method for spinning up a three-axis controlled spacecraft
Method for tilting the moment of inertia of a rotating free body
Method for velocity precision pointing in spin-stabilized...
Method of adjusting the position of satellites by means of solar
Method of and apparatus for returning an earth orbiting spacecra
Method of applying ablative insulation coatings and articles...
Method of attitude reacquisition for three-axis stabilized satel
Method of controlling a plurality of satellites
Method of controlling acceleration of a spacecraft...
Method of controlling attitude of a momentum biased...
Method of controlling or stabilizing the attitude of a...
Method of controlling pointing for a flexible structure
Method of controlling the attitude and stabilization of a...
Method of controlling the attitude control for satellites on an