Radial sonobuoy launcher
Ramp with integral toes
Rapid deployment of troops and cargo
Recovery device for use in an airborne vehicle
Releasable suspension for an airborne store
Release mechanism for a forward and aft restrained load in...
Remote pivot decoupler pylon: wing/store flutter suppressor
Removable aircraft floor structure-reinforcing strongback
Removable helicopter external cargo carrying framework
Removable hoist for aircraft
Removable hoist for aircraft
Rescue capsule for use with a helicopter
Retractable aircraft hoist
Retractable gripping-arm device for transporting and jettisoning
Retractable guide apparatus
Retracting device
Reusable non-pyrotechnic countermeasure dispenser cartridge for
Reversing panel stores carrier
Revolving-cylinder jettison device for transporting and releasin
Roller drive unit