Ram air channel for the supply of ambient air in an aircraft
Ram air flow system for aircraft
Ram air inlets for use with aircraft environmental control...
Ram air turbine and deployment mechanism
Ram air turbine drive system
Ram air turbine indexing mechanism
Ram constriction vane diffuser for jet engine
Rankine-Brayton engine powered solar thermal aircraft
Readily changeable isolator and method of assembly thereof
Rear fastening device for aircraft engine
Rear hanging structure for a turbojet engine
Rechargeable compressed air system and method for...
Redundant front suspension system for a turboshaft engine
Redundant front suspension system for a turboshaft engine
Redundant front suspension system for a turboshaft engine
Redundant gas turbine engine mounting arrangement
Releasable coupling for a helicopter tail rotor power transmissi
Remotely controlled electric airplane
Resilient pivot type aircraft mounting
Reversible thrust ducted fan propulsion unit