Jacket material for protection of electrical conductors
Jacketed bottle and methods of making same
Jelly tube construction and method of waterproofing cable
Jewelry tag
Jigs for manufacture of joined ceramic structure, and method for
Join in the overlapped zone of needle punched bentonite sealing
Joined body and method for manufacturing the same
Joined metal composite and method for production thereof
Joined prism assembly and method and apparatus for manufacturing
Joining bodies of thermoplastic material
Joining ceramics and attaching fasteners to ceramics by gas phas
Joining composites using Z-pinned precured strips
Joining electroconductive materials with electroconductive...
Joining member and method of joining two conductive pieces of fi
Joining metal components
Joining method
Joining method
Joining method and apparatus of single veneer piece
Joining method for joining electrically ceramic bodies
Joining method for joining electrically ceramic bodies and a joi