Absorbent material, consisting of a porous substance with...
Absorbent retainer for absorbent type muffler
Absorber for electromagnetic and acoustic waves
Absorber to absorb acoustic sound waves and method for its...
Absorption muffler construction
Absorption muffler for gas-dynamic pressure-wave machines
Absorption silencer for internal-combustion engines, especially
Absorption/reflection exhaust muffler
Absorptive muffler suspension
Absorptive silencer for use in a compressor
Absorptive sound attenuator, in particular for air ducts in pape
Absorptive/reactive muffler for variable speed compressors
Acoustic absorber and sound-absorption method
Acoustic absorber for absorbing noises in buildings
Acoustic absorber having a slotted horn arranged in a pot
Acoustic absorber, and method of manufacture thereof
Acoustic absorbers for use with computer cabinet fans and...
Acoustic absorbing device
Acoustic absorption device and an assembly of such devices
Acoustic apparatus