Multi-directional assemblies for sonic logging
Multi-phase fluid flow measurement
Noise-attenuating positioners for acoustic well-logging tools
Nondestructive downhole seismic vibrator source and processes of
Nondestructive downhole seismic vibrator source and processes of
Oil and gas well kick detector
Piezoelectric seismic vibrator with hydraulic amplifier
Pneumatic wall-locking geophone system
Pressurized gas discharging apparatus for use as a down-bore sei
Process and device for seismic prospecting of a medium with indu
Process and devices for producing pressure - or shear-waves in a
Production logging mechanism for across-the-borehole measurement
Receiver array using tubing conveyed packer elements
Regenerative combustion device
Seismic energy source
Seismic probe more particularly usable in an untubed drilling sh
Seismic profiling tool with variable source/receiver spacer
Seismic prospecting method and device in wells allowing...
Seismic source
Seismic source system for use in water covered area