Stress wave generator
Submergible marine seismic source
Swept impact seismic technique and apparatus
Swinging-weight vibrator for seismic exploration
System and method for ignition of a gaseous or dispersed...
System for imparting compressional and shear waves into the eart
System for imparting mechanical impulse energy to the ground
System for imparting mechanical impulse energy to the ground
T-bar base plate for a seismic signal transducer
Target plate for impulse-type acoustic signal generator
Telescoping actuator for impulsive seismic source
Telescoping tube omni-directional shear wave vibrator
Torsional shear wave generator
Tracking bandpass filter for conditioning vibrator accelerometer
Transducer for inducing seismic signals into an elastic medium
Transportable hydraulic seismic transducer
Transporter for low energy seismic source
Tubular shear wave source
Tunable marine seismic source
Tunable marine seismic source