Stethoscope with floating diaphragm
Stethoscope with frictional noise reduction
Stethoscope with high frequency filter
Stethoscope with identifying-personalizing ring
Stethoscope with improved resonant cavity amplification
Stethoscope with one-handed headset operation
Stethoscope with one-handed operation
Stethoscope with optical fiber light
Stethoscope with probe sound pick-up and resonant cavity amplifi
Stethoscope with removable handles for single-handed operation
Stethoscope with removable insert
Stethoscope with removable light assembly
Stethoscope with removable light assembly
Structure for mounting speaker
Subwoofer system using a passive radiator
Suspension for electro-acoustical transducers
Swiveling sound-gathering ear guard for masks and helmets
Synthetic tympanic membrane
System and method for providing passive noise reduction
System assembly for mounting electrical apparatus on walls and c