Undulating edged pad holder for rotary floor polishers
Unidirectional abrasive flow machining
Uniform fluid distribution and exhaust system for a...
Uniform thin films produced by magnetorheological finishing
Uninterrupted abrasive fluid supply
Unit for polishing bevels on the edges of glass plates, particul
Unit for the dosage of grained, pourable materials, in particula
Unit for the form machining of the edges of spectacle lenses...
Unitary internal/external extension plate for a jig grinder
Unitary molded honing tool
Unitary, hand-held, portable, self-powered refillable mixed-medi
Universal abrasive disc
Universal coupling for machine tool
Universal grinding machine
Universal grinding machine
Universal improved particulate matter delivery device
Universal jaw attachment for microfinishing machine
Universal jointing attachment for inserted tooth carbide heads
Universal polishing fixture for holding connectors
Universal polishing fixture for polishing optical fiber connecto