High deflection amplitude torsional vibration damper
Hydraulic self-adjusting device for clutch control cables
Hydraulic slave cylinder interlock switching device with proximi
Hydraulic torque converter for vehicles
Hydraulically damped automatic play compensation device for moto
Inching control system for a vehicle with automatic transmission
Industrial vehicle driving apparatus
Inertia-brake control for input shaft of gear box, and its appli
Locking device for a friction type clutch
Lubricant remover for a wrap spring clutch
Manual clutch wear adjuster
Mechanical cable control with an automatic adjustment device and
Mechanical transmission clutch control
Mechanism for maintaining contact between the driving side of to
Method/system for determining clutch touch point
Non-friction coupling system
Overland coupling device
Overload couplings
Overload couplings
Overload couplings