Punch and method of construction
Radial extrusion process combined with inside tune ironing
Rapid loading short-stroke extrusion press, and process
Recycling pressure plates and dies in extrusion presses
Reinforced extruded products and process of manufacture
Removing shell and press residue from a metal-extruding ram...
Replaceable ring for dummy block
Residue stripper for metal-extrusion press
Reverse extruding press and process for releasing a billet
Reverse extrusion press
Ring forging process
Rotary metal extrusion apparatus
Sealing device for an extruder
Sealing device for indirect extrusion die
Self-sealing extrusion die and die ring and associated extrusion
Separating device for removing the press skin from a combined e
Shear blade for aluminum extrusion process
Shear deformation device for scalping
Shear-extrusion method
Small-sized electronic casing and method of manufacturing...