Marinated meat and poultry products having a glazed coating and
Marinated meat and poultry products having a glazed coating and
Marinating or pickling of meat
Marine micro-algae food material containing docosahexaenoic acid
Marking pen for decorating food
Marshmallow frozen confection
Marshmallow sheet and packaging arrangement
Marshmallow system
Marshmallow variegate for frozen confections and frozen confecti
Marshmallow-type confections
Marzipan substitute
Masa based food products modified with an enzyme or a...
Masa corn-based food products and method of preparing
Masa flavored cereal germ and a process for making same
Masa sheeting process with product length control
Mash pelletizing method
Mat device and method of use
Material for coating bait
Material for food and method for production thereof
Material for food and method for production thereof