Identification of stress in formations using angles of fast...
Identifying an internal multiple generator in a subterranean...
Identifying, characterizing, and mapping of seismic noise
Implementing a network infrastructure in a seismic...
Installation of seismic survey devices in shallow, low-angle...
Integrated geophysical survey system
Interactive color analysis of geophysical data
Interactive contouring of seismic data
Interactive multidimensional classification and sorting of seism
Interpolation of aliased seismic traces
Interpolation of severely aliased events
Interpretation of shot gather and stack of seismic data
Interval velocity analysis and depth migration using common refl
Inverse vertical seismic profiling using a measurement while dri
Inverse vertical seismic profiling while drilling
Inversion method for seismic data
Inversion of a vertical seismic profile by minimization of an en