Safety cage for high suction industrial vacuums
Safety device for a brush of a vacuum cleaner
Safety interlock device for a vacuum cleaner
Safety shutoff system for steam cleaners and combination steam a
Sanitizer attachment for a mobile floor cleaner
Sawdust collection system
Scraping tool
Scrubber squeegee apparatus
Scrubber squeegee pivoted concentric with brush drive
Scrubber squeegees for scrubbing forward and backward
Scrubber squeegees for scrubbing forward and backward
Scrubber squeegees for scrubbing forward and backward
Scrubber vac-fan seal
Scrubber with foam and spray suppressor
Scrubber with hydraulic squeegee lift
Scrubbing machine
Scrubbing machine
Scrubbing machine with liquid recirculation
Scrubbing machine with means for continuously cleaning a filter
Scrubbing machine with selective recycle